Basic Demands:

1) The complete and immediate independence of the Nation/State of California (and any other other State wishing to seek inclusion under the nationhood of California).

2) etc.*

3) Now that I know it is possible I demand free internet as well. And tho I imagine our new nation will be a free economy there will be no laws limiting the use of tax payer funds for the sake of 'competition.' (note: it has yet to be decided about things like 'tax payer funds' that might very well mean a portion of crops or like community service or some other hippy crap. also i do think 'competition' might be a curse word.)

3a) This will probably be included in a broader Freedom of Information section of our Declaration of Rights (yeah, we'll have one of those too). I'm also thinking that we will have to have a protected right to rebel against the government...which I understand is why a bunch of countries fail but I'm working on it. I'd like to be the first Post-Modern government. We are going to establish a free floating charter (think Declaration of Independence with more details) that will be the over arching "code" of California: Nation-State, the Revenge no matter who is in charge. So the government can be shifting and accommodating (like the U.S. purports but like...better.)+

4) I really like the po-mo floating charter idea. I mean clearly that is no stake to a government of any type, but I mean, just think: if we could enforce laws using the Declaration of Independence and its much more vague humanitarian statements, that would be great. The idea of using a mission statement as a controlling document seems awesome. Perhaps it would have to be more rigid than Google's "don't be evil" cause really you can justify anything I suppose. It just seems that being held to a higher register would be great and not give too much validity to a document that set out to write down really practical concerns of the day (ie we need guns to fight off the king) but something like 'people have the right to defend themselves against a government that seems unfair' and not just like an abstract ideal of the thing.

5) I am for limiting central state power, but in the reverse of neo-con big military but otherwise let the companies run it. Socialized medicine has to happen. Rule number one (not number five) should be that the government shant be bullied by business. These are ideals at this point, not practical at all.

*To be expanded at the C.L.O.'s first annual pre-congressional congress set to meet somewhere in the Bay Area sometime in December1 to determine exactly what type of political revolutionary group we are.*

*i.e. Socialist, Anarchic, Eco-crazy, etc. (I guess I'm pulling for Socialism inflected that a thing?)

+I have also decided that this will be the only post ever on this page and that it will be constantly expanding. (Watch that monster go! ) It will typically advance by numbered sections, but also with footnotes like these (Hi Mom!). And that thing in the [ ] brackets at the bottom (right now directly below me) Expect post-modern monstrosity.

Begin Numbered Footnotes Here

1. Steve's right. Didn't happen. I missed the 'serious bro down' (Ben's term) in Dec. July 1st I move back. Let's make it then. Yes this is a permanent entry. No I don't care.

[Beyond basic demands, slim as they are, we don't have much right now. I am toying with the notion of combining the C.L.O. with the aforementioned Slums Project, as what I'm positive people are bound to see as a Socialist offshoot of our revolutionary organization. Perhaps along with our commune we could start doing nice things for the community? I mean, tearing down the man should also mean like...bolstering the common man....right? Like the Black Panthers did so much great stuff for their community and were violently revolutionary. That gives them major cred. Not that we would ever be either that helpful or violent being lame/bored upper middle class white kids. But when I'm crazy or homeless or homelessly crazy at sixty years old you come and see me and ask me if I'm not committed to change. (That or working subversively in you say self justification?)]


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